

2023-02-10 11:30

  The logistics system mainly includes three important links: storage, transportation and delivery. The unmanned logistics system includes unmanned storage, unmanned transportation and unmanned delivery. The following is divided into three parts to demonstrate the new posture of unmanned logistics system.
  The warehouse is uninhabited
  目前,仓储无人化的主要是AGV的形式,包括亚马逊、京东等电商平台,建设无人仓的时候,大多采用这种方式。AGV方案趋于成熟,京东等国内电商平台、物流公司,逐步建立了示范仓。 AGV的弊端在于,需要进行大规模的改造,线路流程固定化并且不易改动,并且要求货物的高度统一,这也是为何京东的无人仓大多都是新建的为主。
  At present, unmanned storage is mainly in the form of AGV, including Amazon, Jingdong and other e-commerce platforms. This method is mostly used when building unmanned warehouses. The AGV scheme is becoming mature, and Jingdong and other domestic e-commerce platforms and logistics companies have gradually established demonstration warehouses. The disadvantages of AGV lie in the need for large-scale transformation, the line process is fixed and not easy to change, and requires a high degree of unity of goods, which is why most of the unmanned warehouses in Jingdong are newly built.
  动力的人形机器人取代了传统的人类搬运工,将负责搬动货物,而OTTO Motors的物流小车,负责运送货物,整个过程都是无人化操作。相比AGV,线路更为自由,物品的尺寸可以更多样化,当然了,前提是在Atlas的能力范围内。
  The powered humanoid robot replaces the traditional human Porter and will be responsible for moving goods, while the logistics car of Otto motors is responsible for transporting goods, and the whole process is unmanned operation. Compared with AGV, the line is more free, and the size of items can be more diversified, provided, of course, that atlas is within its capabilities.
  The scheme of humanoid robot + automatic driving logistics car has the advantages of universal applicability, no special modification, and more variety of goods. The disadvantages now may be that it is too expensive, and the cost of maintenance needs to be verified.
  Unmanned transportation
  运输无人化,主要是仓到仓之间的无人化。运输无人化,目前主要是尝试使用自动驾驶重卡进行仓到仓之间的运输。运输无人化,已经被物流公司视为未来的发展趋势,UPS与Waymo、图森未来的合作,就是物流公司的尝试。仓到仓之间的运输,是现在物流体系中成本最大的部分。 根据Plunkett Research的数据,以美国市场为例,包括航空、水运、铁路、管道和卡车在内的货运市场,价值大概是1万亿美元,而卡车运输占据了其中的70%,也就是7000亿美元。 而卡车运输中,刨除车辆外的成本:司机成本约占33.3%,燃油成本约占33.3%,高速费约占33.3%。自动驾驶技术,瞄准的是司机成本的降低和燃油成本的降低(自动驾驶技术会让车辆更省油)。 这也是自动驾驶技术在运输无人化的最大动力。
  Unmanned transportation, mainly from warehouse to warehouse. At present, the main purpose of unmanned transportation is to try to use automatic driving heavy truck to transport between warehouses. Unmanned transportation has been regarded as the future development trend by logistics companies. The future cooperation between UPS, waymo and Tucson is the attempt of logistics companies. The transportation from warehouse to warehouse is the most expensive part of logistics system. According to plumkett research, taking the U.S. market as an example, the freight market, including air, water, rail, pipeline and truck, is worth about $1 trillion, and truck transportation accounts for 70%, that is, 700 billion US dollars. In truck transportation, the cost of excluding vehicles: Driver cost accounts for 33.3%, fuel cost accounts for 33.3%, and high-speed cost accounts for 33.3%. Automatic driving technology aims at the reduction of driver cost and fuel cost (automatic driving technology will make the vehicle more fuel-efficient). This is also the biggest driving force for the unmanned transportation of automatic driving technology.
  Unmanned delivery
  投递无人化,更通俗易懂的描述是,最后一公里的配送无人化。投递的过程,是复杂的。包括了最后一公里的运输无人化,以及交付的无人化过程。 目前,国内志在最后一公里配送的公司,大多解决的是最后一公里的运输问题,在交付过程,包括外卖的交付或快递的交付,仍旧需要人员配合,或者是投递到丰巢这样的快递柜,无法送到办公室或用户住宅。 “级联机器人交付”系统,无人驾驶巴士负责的是运输部分,而最重要的交付部分,则由机器狗来完成。机器狗在应对障碍物、崎岖地形、电梯、楼梯等场景,都比轮式车辆要具备优势。
  Unmanned delivery, more easily understood description is, the last mile of distribution unmanned. The process of delivery is complex. It includes the unmanned transportation of the last kilometer and the unmanned process of delivery. At present, most of the domestic companies that aim to deliver the last kilometer solve the transportation problem of the last kilometer. In the delivery process, including the delivery of takeout or express delivery, personnel still need to cooperate, or deliver to the express cabinet such as Fengchao, which can not be delivered to the office or user's residence. In the "cascade robot delivery" system, the driverless bus is responsible for the transportation part, and the most important delivery part is completed by the robot dog. Robot dogs have advantages over wheeled vehicles in dealing with obstacles, rugged terrain, elevators, stairs and other scenes.
  The whole logistics system of unmanned, whether warehousing or transportation, or delivery, there are a variety of solutions, and has a broad application market. The development of technology will change a lot of occupations. If you don't work hard, you will have no chance to move bricks!
