

2023-02-10 11:30

  Modern high-speed production line, human eyes can not identify or the efficiency is low, and high labor costs, all force the production enterprises to make changes. Machine vision helps the efficiency of product quality inspection. The introduction of surface vision inspection system allows machines to replace manual inspection, greatly improving the efficiency of production inspection.
  At present, the impact of the spread of the global epidemic continues, and science and technology has become the backbone of the anti epidemic force. In the face of crisis and opportunity, whether as a bystander or as a participant determines the fate of enterprises and also affects the future path of China's artificial intelligence.
  The future of Internet companies will be more closely related to artificial intelligence, "bringing artificial intelligence into an important development direction can effectively implement the data resources and concrete scene reality of Internet enterprises through products." The company's automation and automation solutions for industrial testing equipment. Product areas include:
  1. 表面瑕疵在线筛选系统:主要应用于精密机械、五金、电子元器件、汽车零部件、密封件、磁性材料等行业。
  Surface defect online screening system: mainly used in precision machinery, hardware, electronic components, automotive parts, seals, magnetic materials and other industries.
  2. 光学尺寸在线测量筛选系统:主要应用于机械、五金、模具、塑胶、电子元器件、汽车零部件、粉末冶金、磁性材料、密封件、标准件、钣金等对产品尺寸、测量效率要求高的行业。
  Optical dimension online measurement and screening system: mainly used in machinery, hardware, mold, plastic, electronic components, automotive parts, powder metallurgy, magnetic materials, seals, standard parts, sheet metal and other industries with high requirements on product size and measurement efficiency.
  3. 印刷品质量检测系统:票据印刷、烟包印刷、标签印刷、图文印刷。
  Printing quality detection system: bill printing, cigarette package printing, label printing, graphic printing.
  Based on visual product quality inspection, it has rich application cases and process experience in magnetic ring surface defect detection, aluminum foil packaging capsule detection, automobile wiring harness safety box visual inspection and other industries.
  Machine vision system to replace human to complete the production and quality inspection work has become a "just need". Machine vision with its high detection accuracy and speed, and effectively avoid the subjectivity and individual differences brought about by manual detection, has been widely concerned by enterprises. It is an ideal choice for enterprises to achieve high-quality product production and reduce costs.
